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The tipi


In this tipi, I offer:
- stories and teachings with the drums;
- ceremonies around Fire, Earth, Moon and River;
- a place to fast for a few days.

I also want to develop "the gift economy" a
nd "the economy of exchange."
I want to keep the tradition of giving tobacco, sage or
sweetgrass wh
en an Elder teaches us, and I also accept monetary gifts, because tobacco does not put bread on the table.

For "
the economy of exchange," a First Nations tradition, we can exchange a teaching for a service rendered such as mowing the lawn, washing one or two windows, pulling weeds, and so on. This way, people who are in financial difficulty because of the pandemic, can still benefit from my teachings and a peaceful place in nature on the edge of a river.

My primary goal is to share this "
little corner of paradise" with as many people as possible in this time of isolation.


To contact Dolorès:

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